Wendy Coffman

Coffman Team
Luxury Certified Agent

ERA Lambros Real Estate

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To see all of our Commercial Real Estate Listing please visit our Commercial Website: http://www.eralambroscommercial.com/ Since 1983, I have been a real estate professional in Missoula. I am committed to providing thorough service by exploring all options for the sale and/or purchase of your residential, commercial, and investment properties. I completed the required education and sales volume to qualify for my Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation and was awarded this designation in April 1991. This is the highest level of professional achievement in the commercial real estate/investment property field. I also have the highest level residential designation, Certified Residential Specialist (CRS). In 1994 and again in 2003, before the award was discontinued, I was named "Salesperson of the Year" for the Missoula Organization of Realtors®. I have been a top producer at Lambros ERA for many years and was recently awarded the "$100+ Million Club" for production over the preceding 12 years. I supported the real estate industry's efforts to keep up with the changing needs of clients and practitioners through my work as a State Director in the Montana Association of Realtors and on the forms and association management committees. My wife, Karen Ann Reyner was my business partner from 1991 until her passing in 2017. My daughter, Anji Reyner, has worked with me since 1998. She is a BA graduate of the University of Montana and earned an MFA degree. Together we are accessible to our clients and provide the personal service necessary for successful transactions. My other daughter, Wendy, owns a commercial cleaning business in Williston, North Dakota. My family and I have lived in Missoula for over 47 years. After working for Pepsi and Meadow Gold Dairy, I graduated from the University of Montana with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1976. With my wife, I owned and operated a small sandwich shop near the University from 1978 to 1991. Over the years, we also remodeled several homes and rehabilitated rental property. I love to be outside working on projects and on the trails of the Rattlesnake Valley.

ERA Lambros Real Estate
3011 American Way , Missoula, MT 59808