Sherri Pegg
ERA Live Moore
Sherri Pegg is th e de fi ni ti on of diligent, energe ti c, and compassiona te . She began her real esta te career in Nor th Carolina ' s Triad, quickly rising to th e to p of her profession. In 2009, she was awarded Rookie of th e Year for her outstanding performance. Sherri ' s outstanding performance can be credi te d to th e excep ti onal level of care she o ff ers to her clients.She always provides an open line of communica ti on and her foresight coupled wi th her a tt en ti on to detail a ll ows her to address worries before th ey become problems. Sherri ' s clients become a part of her family; even if th e deal has closed, she is s till only a phone ca ll away.Wi th th at being said, th e most important th ing to Sherri is her family. She and her husband have been in th e housing business for over 20 years. She is th e ac ti ve CEO of Pro-Image Pain ti ng and Decora ti ng, Inc. where bo th Sherri and her husband are cofounders. S te ven Pegg, her husband, also owns a cons tr uc ti on company, S te ven Pegg Builders, LLC.Sherri inspires everyone who meets her th rough her kindhear te dness, passion, and de te rmina ti on th at is seen in every facet of her life. Please ca ll or email Sherri Pegg for any of your real esta te needs in th e Heart of th e Triad. Ce ll - 336-345-4459 or