Robyn L. Erlenbush

Luxury Certified Agent

ERA Landmark Real Estate

Robyn joined the sales staff of ERA Landmark Real Estate in 1982, working in sales and management positions until purchasing the company in October 1990. Erlenbush actively manages the business and brokerage concerns of her company. ERA LANDMARK Real Estate, with offices in Bozeman and Big Sky, has 40 full-time real estate professionals who specialize in all aspects of real estate. The company has maintained a premiere status in the marketplace for over a quarter of a century. In February 2002, the company established a commercial division. BUSINESS ACCOMPLISHMENTS: ·Women Who Make a Difference Award 2002, United Way of Gallatin County ·Top 50 ERA Broker since 1987, Ranked 4th in the Western United States-2002 ·Business Women of the YEAR, 1995 Bozeman Are a Chamber and MSU Alumni·REALTORr OF THE YEAR, State of Montana for 1998 ·Gene Francis National Memorial Award Winner, Named TOP All-around ERA Broker, 1998; Finalist, 1994 ·National Advisory Council for ERA Franchise Systems, Inc., 1998-2004 ·Jim Jackson National Finalist, Top 10 Customer Satisfaction ERA Broker, 2000 Erlenbush has been a featured speaker at the Montana/Idaho State REALTORr Convention, ERA International Business Conferences and Top 50 ERA meetings. She chairs the state forms committee, teaches a 4-hour continuing education class on Montana REALTORr forms and is the co-instructor for the Board of Realty Regulation 12-hour course for all new licensees in the state of Montana. Robyn is active in her community including the Museum of the Rockies, Gallatin Development Corporation, Bozeman Rotary Club, Bozeman Symphony, Performing Arts Center, Montana State University Bobcat Boosters and College of Music Advisory Council, United Way of Gallatin County and YMCA. She currently serves as a Trustee for the Bozeman Deaconess Health Services. Robyn is a Montana native and has lived in Bozeman since 1981 with her husband, Orville, and their son, Alex. She enjoys her family, gardening, music, photography, travel and attending her sons sporting events.

ERA Landmark Real Estate
1805 W Dickerson, #1 , Bozeman, MT 59715